Musings of a Bibliomaniac

Goodreads immigrant. Another victim of corporate tyranny. I blog at Musings of a Bibliomaniac along with my co-blogger Scarlet.

Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1) - E.L. James I picked up this book way before it made its way into the 'best-seller' list of every known online book vending site and regretted it almost immediately (managed to go till about page 50). This piece of trash is so misogynistic in nature that it beats even The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo hands down in this regard (and that book dealt with the theme of 'misogyny' whereas this one is misogynistic by nature). A girl signing up to be the slave of a man she barely knows and lead her life like a cheap whore where everything is decided for her by someone else just because he is hot and rich? Please, no self-respecting woman would hand over her dignity in return for some 'fun times'. Oh and this is not even erotica. Real erotica is far more sophisticated and beautifully written than this vulgar, plotless and utterly unimaginative fan-fiction, masquerading as a novel.
If descriptions of cringe-worthy sex with an abusive, disrespectful man written in poor English is your thing, go ahead and read this. This will be right up your alley.

Currently reading

Padgett Powell
The Pure Gold Baby
Margaret Drabble
The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Larissa Volokhonsky, Richard Pevear
Progress: 28 %